The Non-Anxious Leader Blog

Resources for the personal and professional Non-Anxious Presence

Podcast Episode 48: Envy, Empathy and Emotional Connection

Comparing ourselves to others often results in envy. This sometimes drives us to get better, but has significant downsides. Understanding how envy and empathy work can help us have healthy emotional connections in the systems in which we function.

Show Notes:

Feeding the Green-Eyed Monster: What Happens When Envy Turns Ugly from Hidden Brain

Schadenfreude (Merriam-Webster)

Empathy Is Tearing Us Apart by Robert Wright (Wired)

Identity and Emergency Intervention: How Social Group Membership and Inclusiveness of Group Boundaries Shape Helping Behavior by Mark Levine, et. al.

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I'm Jack Shitama; author, speaker, teacher and coach. I have spent three decades helping congregational and nonprofit leaders to lead as a non-anxious presence.

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