The emotional triangle is the most stable form of human relationship. This is because most of the time we are not able to appropriately deal...
“People aren’t afraid of change, they’re afraid of loss (Sandy Shugart).” Understanding this can help leaders show people how to face the pain of loss...
We just spent a week at a family reunion. If you listen to my podcast, you know that my wife, Jodi, and I took our...
The difference between a challenge and a problem is how we handle it. Anxiety, our own and that of others, is the key factor. Remaining...
I used to lead a leadership program for high school youth at the camp I served. One time, an instrutor was giving an example...
This episode is an example of why it’s important to be flexible. My personal travels and a case of stupidity caused it to drop a...
As a leader, people want to know where you stand. Learning how to do this in a healthy way creates the possibility for conversations that...
The healthy way to stand up for yourself is to take a non-anxious emotional stand. Avoid reactivity by not arguing and not agreeing. Understanding family...
I went for a long run recently on a brutally hot morning. The temperature was already at 80°. Many organized running events will cancel if...